This business model, which is fairly straightforward almost guarantees profits, and it has nearly no costs to begin with.
Make the pile using organic material. Ideally, your pile ought to comprise about half brown materials like dead leaves or sticks, and half green material such as kitchen scraps and grass clippings. The pile must be at fifteen feet from buildings or structures.
Place the compost pile on the ground in order to attract worms and bugs that will decompose the material. You can cover your pile with an tarp to create heat, a hot compost pile will decompose faster and kills plants that grow there. Each day you can use a pitch fork to roll your pile.
Now is the perfect time to start making compost and sell it. Place ads on the internet for sale of compost nothing. Price your compost so it’s in the same price range as packaged alternatives available at your local hardware shop. go8hbjj2cx.